Just being Pagan is difficult enough of a task sometimes. Raising children as Pagan is a different story entirely. Many parents with how to go about teaching their children their beliefs. Truthfully though, it doesn't have to be difficult. There are some simple things that you can do with your children which will not only teach them, but be fun for you and them both.
One of easiest things that you can do is to tell your children stories. All children love to sit and listen to stories of heroes, fairies, gods and goddesses. Use story time to tell your children myths and legends associated with your beliefs.
Another very simply things that you can do with your children is to sign songs and do chants. There are many different songs and chants out for Pagan children that are simple and easy to learn. You can even help them make up there own little songs and rhythms to celebrate the earth and nature.
You can also let your kids do drum circles. You don't even have to buy a drum. Use coffee cans or pots and pans from the kitchen. Or get two sticks and let the hit them together. A wooden stool and a stick is a wonderful percussion instrument. Collect a bunch of instruments for everyone and sit around drum. Have a Family Drumming Circle and let everyone participate. What could be more fun? The children will have a blast with this one!
Why not teach your child how to set their very own alter? What better way to include them in the Craft? It can be very simple. It doesn't have to be elaborate or even look very much like an adult alter. Instead of candles, let have a small lamp or flashlight. Take them on walks in the forest or the beach. Let them collect things that they love to include on their alter. Small shells, leaves, twigs, pine cones, or flowers would be perfect. Give them a special family photo to add. Instead on incense, use a sachet with a scent they love. Anything they want to include is fine and it helps them to feel like they are a part of things.
Teach them about Nature and how important it is to us. Teach them about herbs and trees and flowers. Show them the right way to treat the Earth now so that they will grow up revering it. To me, there is no nobler achievement than to teach your children to treat the Earth, and all life on it, with love and respect.
Making their own wand would be a perfect addition to their alter as well. When you are out for a walk, let them pick out a stick they like. Bring it home and decorate it however they wish. Add ribbons, glitter, beads, crystals or even charms. Whatever they love.
Childhood is a wonderful time to learn meditation. Even very small children can benefit from what some might call quite time. Lie back and look at the stars or the clouds; or sit on the beach a listen to the ocean for a couple of minutes. For older children, you can guide them through a 10 minute mediation. By the time they reach adulthood, meditation will be a part of their life. What a wonderful stress reliever!
To celebrate the Sabbats, make crafts and decorations with your child. There are lots of books available on the subject and you can even find ideas on the Internet at no cost. They will feel connected to the celebration and be proud of their work as well. It's fun as well!
School age children can even begin their own Book Of Shadows. A blank notebook will work perfectly. They can write down information on Sabbats, the turning of the seasons, even songs and chants that are important to them. As they get older, their information can become more detailed. It will become a treasured artifact of childhood.
Also, be sure to include your children in your Sabbat celebrations. If you want to have a separate, adult celebration that's fine. But I feel like it is important to have a family celebration as well so that the children know you want them to be a part of your faith. If they think you want to include them, they will most likely be more interested in learning.
You see, there are lots of things that you can do to teach you children about Paganism and what you believe. I am sure that you can think of many more things to do with your children as well. The most important thing to remember is to let the have fun and have some yourself as well!
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1 comment:
Hi, I'm in the process of rebuilding my Pagan Kid's website. Thanks for all the info on what to teach a pagan child. On my old site, I had a coloring book for runes that was full, but alas, my kid's BOS coloring book was almost empty. You've given me some great ideas. Thanks!
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