With the changing of the seasons, the rythm of Earth moves and stills, freezes and thaws. In the Pagan faith this is called The Wheel of the Year. As the Earth turns so does the wheel. The Wheel turns on a 8 point cycle; the water stills and waits, Life wakes and stirs, Life emerges, flowers and plants grow, the growing Life matures, growth slows and ripens, the Harvest time comes, preparations for Winter are made. This cycle repeats year after year. These cycles are called Sabbats. For Wiccans these Sabbats are a time for celebration!
There are 8 Wiccan holidays or Sabbats each year. They are put into 2 catagories, each with 4 Sabbats each; the Major Sabbats and the Minor Sabbats. They occur about every 45 days.
The Minor Sabbats consist of two Equinoxes. The first is on March 21st, the Spring Equinox, and is known as Ostara. The second is on September 21st, the Autumnal Equinox, and is known as Mabon. There are also two Solitices. The first of these is June 21st, the Summer Soltice, known as Litha and the last is December 21st, the Winter Soltice, called Yule. The actual dates for the Minor Sabbats may vary from year to year (those stated above are for 2007). They occur between the 20th to 23d of the year.
The Major Sabbats also consist of 4 Sabbats. They are usually at the end of the month, halfway between the Minor Sabbats. The names of these Sabbats may vary from tradition to tradition, but the meaning are almost always the same. They are: Samhain, October 21st; Imbolg, Feburary 2nd; Beltaine, April 30th; and Lammas, August 1st.
The Wheel of the Year begins with Samhain (the old Celtic New Year and Witch's New Year) and ends on Mabon. Let's take some time and examine each Sabbat individually.
SAMHAIN October 31st
Samhain is the beginning of Witches' New Year just as it was the New Year for the ancient Celts. It is also called the Feast of the Dead, Feast of Apples, All Hallows, and Halloween. It is a sober celebration.
It is a time to remember our ancestors and those who have gone before. It is at this time of the year that the thin veil between our world and the spirit world grows even thinner and the spirits may visit this world. Communication with the dead proves easier on Samhain.
It is time for reflecting on the past year. Time to prepare for the deep winter through the harvest and harvesting of animals. It is time for ending bad relationships and bad situations.
Correspondences for Samhain:
Colors: Black, Orange, White, Silver, Scarlet, Dark Brown, Bronze and Gold.
Foods: Apples, Pumpkin Pie, Hazelnuts, Corn, and Bread, Ale, Nuts, Cider, Turnips, Gourds, Mulled Wines, Beef, Pork, Poultry.
Symbols: Jack-o-Lanterns, Photos of the Deceased, Apples, Squashes, Autumn Flowers, Fall Leaves, Gourds, Black Cats, Bats, Crows, Oak Leaves, Divination Acorns and Besoms. Incense: Apple, Heliotrope, Mint, Nutmeg, Sandalwood, Myrrh, Mugwort, Patchouli and Sage
Candles: Black, Orange, White, Silver, and Gold.
Gemstones: Jet, Obsidian, Onyx, Carnelian, Jasper, Smoky Quarts, and Bloodstone.
Deities: Anubis, Arianrhod, Astarte, Cernunnos, Cerridwen, Crone, Dark Lord and Lady, Demeter, Hathor, Hecate, Horned God, Innana, Isis, Kali, Odin, Morrigan, and Lilith
Herbs: Mugwort, Allspice, Broom, Catnip, Deadly Nightshade, Mandrake, Oak Leaves, Sage, Pumpkin, Apples, Chrysanthemums, Thistle, Rosemary, Calendula, Sunflower Petals, Pumpkin Seeds, Apple Leaves, Mushrooms, Wild Ginseng, Wormwood, Tarragon, Bay Leaf, Almond, Hazelnut, Passionflower, Nettle, Mandrake Root, Hemlock Cones, Garlic, Pine Needles, Acorns, and Straw.
Animals: Stag, Cat, Bat, Owl, Jackal,, Ram, Scorpion, Heron, Crow, and Robin.
Work: Sex Magick, Release of Bad Habits, Banishing, Faerie Magick, Divination of any kind, Candle Magick, Astral Projection, Past Life Work, Dark Moon Mysteries, Mirror Spells, Casting Protection, Inner Work, Clearing Obstacles, Uncrossing, Inspiration, Creative Visualization, and Contacting those who are no longer on this plane.
Tools: Besom, Cauldron, Tarot, Obsidian Ball, Pendulum, Runes, Ouija Board, Black Cauldron or Bowl filled with Black Ink or Water, and Magick Mirror.
YULE December 21st
Yule is the Winter Solstice. It is both the shortest day of the year and the longest night. The turning point of the season, the days grow steadily longer as winter rushes toward spring.
This is the Pagan holiday on which the Christian Christmas is based. In the beginnings of the Catholic Church, they decided to celebrate the Birth of Jesus at Yuletide to induced more Pagans to give up their faith without giving up their olde tradtitons. Most theologians now agree that the actual birth of Jesus was in the Spring, not the Winter.
This is the time for celebrating love, family, togetherness and accomplishments of the past. A Yule log, usually made of Oak, is burned in a fire. Part of the Yule Log is saved throughout the year to protect the home and is used to light the next year's Yule Log.
Correspondences for Yule:
Colors: Red, Green, White, Silver, Gold, Yellow, and Orange.
Incense: Bayberry, Pine, Cedar, Rosemary, Juniper, Cinnamon, and Frankincense.
Candles: Red, Green, White, and Gold.
Foods: Roasted Turkey, Nuts, Eggnog, Cookies, Fruit, Pork, Ale, Roasted Apples and Mulled Wine.
Herbs: Bayberry, Blessed Thistle, Evergreen, Frankincense, Holly, Laurel, Mistletoe, Oak, Pine, Sage, and Yellow Cedar.
Symbols: Yule Log, Evergreen Boughs, Wreaths, Holly, Mistletoe, Gold Pillar Candles, Baskets of Clove Studded Fruits, Poinsettias, Cinnamon Sticks, Ivy, Wheel, and Fir or Pin Bows.
Gemstones: Ruby, Cat’s Eye, Blue Zircon, Turquoise, Serpentine, Emeralds, and Diamonds.
Deities: Athena, Attis, Dionysus, Fates, Frey, Freyja, Hathor, Lucina, Norns, Osiris, Woden, and the Horned God.
Animals: Reindeer, the Stage, Mouse, Deer, Horse, Squirrel, Phoenix, and Bear. Work: Peace, Harmony, Love, Happiness, Banishing Disease, Seeking Past Lives,
Meditation, Singing Around the Hearth Fire, and Goals and Accomplishments.
Tools: Bells.
IMBOLC February 2nd
Also known as Candlemas, Bridget's Day, the Feast of Torches, the Feast of Pan, and the Snowdrop Festival, Imbolc is not celebrated by all Pagan traditions but is very popular among Wiccans. It marks the coming of Spring. Imbolc is a celebration of purification, of love, light and fertility.
Correspondences for Imbolc:
Colors: White, Pink, Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, and Brown.
Incense: Basil, Bay, Cinnamon, Violet, Vanilla, Rosemary, and Wisteria.
Candles: Brown, Pink, and Red.Foods: Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Muffins, Dairy Products, Peppers, Onions, Raisons, Garlic, Poppy Seed Bread and Cakes, Herbal Teas, Spiced Wines, Potatoes, and Turnips.
Herbs: Angelica, Basil, Bay, Blackberries, Celandine, Coltsfoot, Heather, Iris, Myrrh, Tansy, Snowdrops, and Violets
Symbols: White Flowers, Candle Wheels, Yellow Flowers, Lamps, and a Dish of Snow.
Gemstones: Amethyst, Garnet, Bloodstone, and Onyx.
Deities: Bridget, Aradia, Gaia, Dagda, Pan, and Herne.
Animals: Sheep, Wolves, Bears, Stags, Eagles, Ravens, Groundhogs, Owls, and Snakes.
Work: Blessing the Seeds for this years Garden, Fertility and Purification, All Virgin and Maiden Goddess are honored, Candle Lightings, Stone Gathering, Searching for signs of spring, and Rituals of Initiation.
Tools: Plough and Garden Implements.
OSTARA March 21st
Ostara is the Spring Equinox; the first day of Spring. It is the time to take action. It is time for new beginnings, planting, tending the gardens, and fertility. Today the hours of the day time and the night time are equal. Feasting and socializing are key compontents of this celebration. It is also time to celebrate the rebirth and growth of the natural world.
Correspondences for Ostara:
Colors: Light Green, Lemon Yellow, and Pale Pink.Incense: African Violet, Jasmine, Rose, Sage, and Strawberry. Candles: Gold, Green, and Yellow. Foods: Hard-Boiled Eggs, Honey Cakes, 1st Fruit of the Season, Leafy Greens, Dairy Products, Nuts, Sunflower Seeds, and Flower Dishes.Herbs: Daffodil, Jonquils, Woodruff, Violet, Gorse, Olive, Peony, Iris, Tansy, Honeysuckle, and all Spring Flowers.Symbols: Eggs, Rabbits, Seeds, Spring Flowers, Four-Leaf Clover, and Colored Ribbons.Gemstones: Aquamarine, Amethyst, and Red Jasper.Deities: Diana, Artemis, Ostara, Eos, Eostre, Mars, Ares, The Green Man and The Maiden. Incense: African Violet, Jasmine, Rose, Sage, and Strawberry. Candles: Gold, Green, and Yellow. Animals: Rabbits, Hares, Robins, Dragons, Lambs, and Chicks. Work: Planting, Coloring Eggs, Fertility Rites, Herb Work, Spells for new beginnings, prosperity, fertility, and potential. Tools: Eggs, Baskets, and Green Clothe.
Beltaine, also known as May Eve or May Day, is the great Fertility Rite of Life. Except for Samain (which is shares equal importance) this is the greatest of Pagan celebrations. This is the time celebrate the return of vitality to Nature, to celebrate passions and hope. The last Spring Fertility Festival; food, wine, friends and celebrating are in order. Dance around the May Pole, which symbolizes fertility. It is a celebration of flowers and youth.
Correspondence of Beltaine:
Colors: Pink, White, Green, Soft Pink, Blue, Yellow, and Red.
Foods: Red Fruits, Herbal Salads, Red or Pink Wine/Punch, Large round Oatmeal or Barley Cake, Strawberries, Cherries, Passion Fruit, Kiwi, Marigold Custard, Vanilla Ice Cream, and Green Salads. Symbols: Bonfires, Maypole, and Flowers.
Incense: Frankincense, Lilac, and Rose.
Candles: Dark Green.
Gemstones: Emerald, Orange Carnelian, Sapphire, Rose Quarts, Amber, and Malachite.
Deities: Flora, Diana and Artemis, Pan, Aphrodite, Venus and Maia.
Herbs: Honeysuckle, St. Johns Wort, Almond, Angelica, Ash Tree, Bluebells, Daisies, Hawthorn, Ivy, Lilac, Marigold, Dandelion, and Apple Tree. Animals: Swallows, Doves, Swans, Cats, Lynx, and Leopards.
Work: Fertilize, Activities of Pleasure, Leaping Bonfires, Making Garlands, Dancing around the maypole, and Feasting.
Tools: Besom, Bonfire, and Cauldron.
LITHA June 21st
Litha, also called Midsummer, is the Summer Solstice and is the longest day of the year. The is the traditional time for Magick of all kinds. Dreams comes true this day. It is the celebration of the triumph of light over the darkness; a celebration of the beauty of the world in bloom. Flowers are everywhere; in circles, on alters and worn by everyone. Bright colors are also commonly worn.
Correspondences of Litha:
Colors: Blue, Green, and Yellow.
Foods: Fresh Vegetables, Summer Fruits, Pumpernickel Bread, Ale, and Mead.
Symbols: Dried Herbs, Potpourri, Seashells, Summer Flowers and Fruits.
Incense: Frankincense, Lemon, Myrrh, Pine, Rose, and Wisteria.
Candles: Blue, Green, Gold, and Red.
Gemstones: Emerald, Jade, Lapis, and Diamond. Deities: Ra, Bast, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Father Sun, Father Sky, and the Oak King.
Herbs: Lavender, Chamomile, Roses, Daisies, Cheekweed, Apple, Vervain, and Lilies.
Animals: Butterflies, Caterpillars, Sea Creatures, Wren, Robins, Horses, Cattle, Satyrs, Faeries, Firebird, Dragon and the Thunder Bird.
Work: Herb Drying, protection, luck, health, transformation, career, and relationships. Tools: Drums, Rattles, Bonfire, Mirrors for reflecting the sun or bonfire, Earth circles of stone energies
Some traditions called this Lammas, other call it Lughnassadh. It is time for the First Harvest. In Wicca, which was born in America, it is the great corn ritual; in most Celtic traditions this is the celebration of the wheat god. Most celebrations include much dancing and feasting. This is also the time that the crops start dying and turn to seeds. There is no constants, but simply a circle of life that continues from year to year.
Correspondences for Lammas/Lughnassadh:
Colors: Yellow, Orange, Green, and Brown.
Incense: Aloes, Rose, and Sandalwood.
Candles: Orange and YellowFoods: Homemade Breads (Wheat, Oat, and Corn), Nuts, Wildberries, Apples, Rye, Berry Pies, Elderberry Wine, Ale, Corn, Rice, and Meadowsweet Tea.
Herbs: Heather, Hollyhock, Crab Apples, Grapes, and Sunflowers
Symbols: Corn Dolls, Wheat Weaving, Corn, and Wheat Stalks.
Gemstones: Aventurine, Citrine, Peridot, Sardonyx, and Tourmaline. Deities: Lugh, Demeter, Epona, Tailte, Cerridwen, and Rhiannon.
Animals: Goats, Lamas, and Horses.
Work: Grains woven into God and Goddess symbols and Meditation. Tools: Athame
MABON Septmeber 21st
The Fall Equnox, this is not celebrated by all Pagan groups as it is a lesser Sabbat, but it is celebrated by most Wiccan groups. It is the end of the harvest that began with Lammas. Nature begins to recede and hide until the next spring. Winter is coming. We give thanks for the harvest and the sunlight. It is also time to leave offerings of cider, wine, and herbs for the Goddess.
Correspndences for Mabon:
Colors: Orange, Dark Red, Yellow, Brown, Maroon, Deep Gold, Violet, and Indigo.
Incense: Benzoin, Myrrh, Pine, Cinnamon, Cloves, Jasmine, Frankincense, and Sage.
Candles: Brown, Green, Orange, and Yellow.
Foods: Corn Bread Cakes, Wheat Products, Breads, Nuts, Vegetables, Apples, Cider, Carrots, Onions, Potatoes, Wine, Ale, and Pomegranates.
Herbs: Hazel, Corn, Acorns, Oaks, Wheat Stalks, Cypress Cones, Pine Cones, Thistles, Milkweed, Pine, Cedar, and Sage
Symbols: Acorns, Pine Cones, Baskets of Fallen Leaves, Ivy Vines, Dried Seeds, Dried Leaves, and Dried Flowers.
Gemstones: Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Yellow Agates, and Yellow Topaz. Deities: Thor, Morgan, Green Man, Epona, and Land Mother and the Muses.
Animals: Dogs, Wolves, Stag, Owl, Eagle, Salmon, Goat, and Blackbirds.
Work: Celebration of the Second Harvest, Ritual sprinkling of leaves, protection, prosperity, security, and self-confidence.
Tools: Red Alter Cloth and Bolline.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
The Everything Guide to the Sabbats
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Blue Corn has been used by Native Americans as an offering to the spirits. Sprinkled around the perimeters of the home, it can offer protection. It is also a beautiful ritual offering to Mother Earth, and for Wiccans an excellent harvest offering as we meditate on the strength, abundance, and fertility of corn, the corn spirits, and gods.
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The Wheel of the Year as it is called, starts with Samhain and ends with Mabon. The following is the descriptions and associations for each Sabbat starting with Samhain.
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The light half of the year is drawing to a close and the power of the moon rises. Customs include gathering orchard fruits and late harvests and turning one's attention inward, or self-development.
The Sabbat are depraved monsters, reveling in their Damned state and herding the kine about them like cattle. Or so it would seem to the uninitiated. In truth, the Sabbat wage a secret war on the elders, struggling night after night to free themselves from the tyranny of the dread Antediluvians and the Jyhad itself. But are their tactics effective or simply horrific?
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Some traditions called this Lammas, other call it Lughnassadh. It is time for the First Harvest. In Wicca, which was born in America, it is the great corn ritual; in most Celtic traditions this is the celebration of the wheat god. Most celebrations include much dancing and feasting. This is also the time that the crops start dying and turn to seeds.
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The relative difficulties of women's and men's style
Both men and women may feel the demands of maintaining their clothing up-to-date and in time, yet men's style frequently feels a lot easier. Of course, for both genders, clothes and style options could be equally as complicated, and there are lots of'trendy'items that can easily become fashion faux pas - who are able to say they often see people walking around in 70s flames? On the other side, men's style has a few choice goods that can exist forever - which man is likely to look out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Select basic cuts, colours and materials and you'll never look out-of-place.
Why traditional men's fashion is timeless
The common man's suit has scarcely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are several versions for various occasions, but they are all common in their pursuit of a wise, sharp look for the person. The good thing about common fashion for men is that it's effectively stylish simply cool. A well-groomed gentleman can almost always appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the style of such clothing. A match will be used to work in several professions because of the professional search it affords to the wearer, instilling a feeling of respect and confidence. Equally a match will undoubtedly be used to many social functions, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This extraordinary flexibility that allows suits to be worn in almost all events is what gives it its classic edge and a lasting place in men's fashion.
Modern developments in classic men's fashion
Whilst basic men's styles can never be changed, it's interesting to observe that changes in men's fashion trends have produced certain traditional clothes back in fashion. The reputation of vintage clothing, specially, has taken back a wide-variety of common designs into men's closets, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who clothe themselves in a classic yet elegant way, placing value on appearance and operating in a refined method. This trend for almost'over-the-top'common style for men is apparent from events like the'Tweed Run', wherever men and women of all ages dress yourself in obviously Victorian-style clothing and take to the roads on vintage bicycles - with most of the men wearing perfect mustaches! This really is just one of many examples of proof displaying the revival of such variations. There are also numerous blogs online which give attention to gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole internet sites such as'The Art of Manliness'focused on providing articles on common men's fashion and grooming.
In conclusion, though specific issues with common men's fashion can be cut back as new trends, the simple clothes that they are based on will never fall out of fashion.
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