Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What Wicca Means To Me

People ask me about Wicca a lot. So I have spent a lot of time thinking about what to say to people who are curious at it. I love to talk and teach about Wicca because it is one my true passions in life. I love everything about it. I love the way that it makes me feel. The oneness with the environment for me is key.

I feel the Divine spirit in every little pieces of the world. Every leaf, every butterfly, every blade of grass, every tree and every flower is precious. All life is scared. Even the rocks on the ground and sand on the beach is to be revered. I am drawn in particular to water, although all the elements call to me.

I believe strongly in karma and the Law of Threefold Return. Whatever I do in this life, whether it is for good or for bad, I believe will return to me in my next life.

I feel the spirits of the ones that have gone on before me. I can sense my ancestors around me and watching over me at all times.

I see no inequality amongst people. Everyone, man and woman, regardless of race, are the same. No one is more important than me. I am no more important than anyone else. I honor both female and male gods and goddesses because all are important. Each person has part of the Divine in them. We are each and every one, sacred and individual.

I am responsible for my own actions. In all that I do, whether it is in my everyday life or in my magick, I must accept the consequences. I follow the Rede and therefore agree to Harm None in all aspects of my life.

As important as all of that, I believe that respecting all other faiths is of utmost importance. Every person must find their own path in life. I willing teach and mentor Wicca, but will never try to recruit. It is up to each person to find what they believe and what is best of them.

I hope this explains a little bit of how I approach not only my faith, but also my life.

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